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Cookies policy

Users are informed, through this notice, that cookies may be used when the user navigates through the different pages of the site.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a harmless text file that is stored in your browser. when you visit almost any web page. The usefulness of the cookie is that the website is able to remember your visit when you browse that page again. Although many people do not know it, cookies have been used for 20 years, when the first browsers for the World Wide Web appeared.

What IS NOT a cookie?

It is not a virus, nor a Trojan, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.

What information does a cookie store?

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit card or bank details, photographs, your ID or personal information, etc. The data they store is of a technical nature, personal preferences, content customization, etc.

The web server does not associate you as a person but with your web browser. In fact, if you usually browse with Internet Explorer and try to browse the same website with Firefox or Chrome, you will see that the website does not realize that you are the same person because it is actually associating the browser, not the person.

What are first-party and third-party cookies?

Own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and third-party cookies are those generated by external services or providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.

What happens if I disable cookies?

So that you understand the scope that disabling cookies can have, we show you some examples:

  • You will not be able to share content from that website on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network.

  • The website will not be able to adapt the content to your personal preferences, as is often the case in online stores.

  • You will not be able to access the personal area of that website, such as My Account, or My profile or My orders.

  • Online stores: It will be impossible for you to make purchases online, they will have to be made by telephone or by visiting the physical store if you have one.

  • It will not be possible to customize your geographic preferences such as time zone, currency or language.

  • The website will not be able to perform web analytics on visitors and traffic on the website, which will make it difficult for the website to be competitive.

  • You will not be able to write on the blog, you will not be able to upload photos, post comments, rate or rate content. The website will also not be able to know if you are a human or an automated application that publishes spam.

  • Sectorized advertising cannot be displayed, which will reduce the website's advertising revenue.

  • All social networks use cookies, if you deactivate them you will not be able to use any social network.

Types of cookies used
Own cookies

They are those that allow the user to navigate through the website and use the different options or services that exist therein. Some of these servicesThey are: control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access web parts, remember the elements that make up an order, make the registration request, use security elements during navigation or improve navigation .

Cookie Description​

Pphpsessid: Session cookie used for strictly technical reasons. It is automatically destroyed when the session is closed or the browser is closed and does not store private information.

CookieNotice: Used to inform the user that this page uses cookies.

AllowSeePrice: Cookie that allows you to view prices in the online store in the event that it is protected with a password

mediaplanBAK: This cookie is used by the hosting provider to avoid crashing the server if there are many concurrent users, sending part of the visits to another copy of the server.

Third party cookies

On some web pages of this site, third-party 'cookies' may be installed that allow you to manage and improve the services offered. For example, payment gateway services (PayPal or Redsýs), Facebookor Google Analytics.​

How to manage cookies in the browser?

The user has the option to allow, block or delete the cookies installed on their computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on their terminal:

NOTE: These links are for guidance. However, it is recommended to consult the help or assistance section of the corresponding browser to obtain information on the correct browser configuration.

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